Sunday, May 29, 2011

The 1st of 2 days.

Fell asleep last night trying to write this! Will probably do the same tonight after having an evening meal!!! I shouted myself dinner @ the Rodel Hotel, as being a Sunday in the Outer Hebrides it was literally the ONLY place open! So decided to blow the budget - oh dear again, but the 1st time on food!!

So last night I started.......

It wasn’t a very long walk today, but I found it extremely nerve-wracking & stressful. However, having said that, it was fascinating country - quite different to the West Coast.
But, “let’s start @ the very beginning, a very good place to start“ & I‘ll try to explain!

Sallie suggested at breakfast that as they were driving to Stornoway later, I might like to go part of the way with them & just do a short walk, then get the bus in to Tarbert, & from thence back to Leverbugh.

Well it seemed like a good idea as there was the odd sunny patch occasionally!!!!

I took myself in to Leverburgh first as I hadn't explored the township, & by chance re-met the very pleasant young NZ guy I had met in Inverness.

Then Sallie & Howard picked me up, & we drove up the 'Peat Road' heading in the direction of the East Coast. Fascinating country, quite different - yet again. The rocks are so weird & unusual that part of the movie 2001 was filmed there as apparently they are the same sort of rocks as on the moon???? & only found there on this planet!

(Unfortunately, because I hadn't known we were going to do this, I didn't have my camera handy, so missed some wonderful opportunities.)

Suddenly, Howard stopped the car, & said: "Right U'll be able to get the bus in to Tarbert down the road @ D..?? @ ten past two. The track is just over there to the left of the chapel."

Knowing it was the ONLY bus, I panicked & as I had absolutely no idea which way I was to walk, or where I was going over what sort of terrain - I was really thrown.

Of course, as they drove away inevitably, it started pouring with rain!

The track was, in actual fact, a stream as there had been so much rain, & everything else underfoot was peat bog! When I managed to extract my foot & lugged it out, it felt like a ton weight; my stick came apart as I tried to pull it out, & by that time the other foot was also waterlogged - not an auspicious start.

How long would it take me? No idea, so 'hurried' as best I could!

I was in the middle of some lovely country with no habitation anywhere except from where I had started & presumably where I was going to - wherever that was! So to be honest I didn't enjoy it that much, altho' it turned out I made it to the road with time to spare!

Ah, there's the road!

Waiting for the bus:

Tarbert Harbour. I think the red boat is the one I should have been going on to St Kilda

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