Thursday, May 26, 2011

Standing Stones etc.

I think I'll live! A very unpleasant episode of perhaps food poisoning or a bug, or whatever that I could have done without!

However, that being said, yesterday, I braved the elements (with bags just in case!) & after not getting the bus I wanted - as it had changed routes!! - I eventually got a very bumpy ride out to the Calloway Broch - fascinating - & the Callanish Standing Stones - amazing.

Had to contend with a very strange German man, perhaps he had Tourettes, & was a wee bit anxious @ being trapped inside with him - especially when he jumped over the wall!

                                                                 Inside the broch

In fact he gave me such a fright on the way down when he was suddenly right behind me that I fell over!

Interesting return journey picking up & depositing school kids to their doors!

Unfortunately due to missing that 1st bus, it proved impossible to link up with the other to get up to the Butt of Lewis.

Had to find a laundrette - due to my dastardly condition - which was a bit of a problem, & by the time I'd done that, the buses had stopped running!!!

It seems that I may miss out on getting out to St Kilda unless the weather improves considerably, which will be an enormous disappointment, but ........ c'est la vie.

Have added some photos to earlier posts - if U R interested!

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