Thursday, May 26, 2011

To St Kilda or no?

Am waiting to hear whether or not I'll be going to St Kilda tomorrow or not. It is very doubtful & the alternate day is out of the question apparently. But @ least I'm in a good B&B, but it is in a very 'out of the way' spot, but there are possibly alternatives.

And I have just found out that it is definitely off. The weather is just too bad. Well, it was always likely to be so, & maybe I will get to do something almost as good. But I am disappointed as it was going to be 1 of the highlights of this adventure.

The change in the country is quite remarkable between Lewis

& Harris

- altho' I don't exactly know where one ends & the other begins, but it was pretty obvious.

[Managed to keep my small taste of breakfast down along the bumpy road, so that's a good sign, but I was a bit dubious at times!!!!]

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