Friday, May 27, 2011

So you think you have wet weather gear?

So what else do you do when you can’t go to St Kilda which was the big dream, it’s pouring rain & blowing a gale & about 8 degrees????

 Well, you go t’ Chapel of course!

                                                         Traigh an Taoibh Thuath
                                                                   (Northton Beach)

Instructions said to “follow the fence line” - I don’t think so:

And now, if you look very carefully, U should be able to see my goal on the little peninsular in the middle distance:

Got a photo of the sea breaking for once - well sorta:

Despite the wind & the rain, there is always time to stop & enjoy the flowers!!!

And the oyster catchers feeding:

Getting there:

Really close now:

                                         Rubh’ An Teampaill Medeival Chapel

First a glimpse through the side windows:

In through the door:

The West End:

View through the south window:

Looking back through the door to Chairpaval now shrouded in cloud:

The niche for Communion vessels:

So now to the East window:

After some time of contemplation I let out a yelp as a figure went past!!! I was not alone anymore! So I then went outside to wait them out!!!

My patience was rewarded and I did get more time alone.

But I was so very wet by this time, it seemed sensible to make my return.

A last look through the East window:

Had more than a few nasty moments on the way back - literally getting blown over by the wind & that's no easy feat!!

And, as the title suggests, I really did think I had good wet weather gear, but......... wet through 5 layers (the outer 3 usually waterproof) & my boots also are so wet that I couldn't go out for tea  & I seriously doubt if they will be dry by tomorrow even tho' they too are meant to be waterproof!!

 I think you will find Toe Head Chapel on Google Earth @:

Latitude: 57°48'31.43"N
Longitude: 7° 6'6.48"W

Sorry that I haven't yet learnt how to put photos in to various places etc. yet to make it more interesting!

Could someone PLEASE tell me how I can post more than 1 photo without having to navigate away from the page every time to post another! This took SOOOOOOO long - but I was determined to do it once started!!                           

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