Monday, May 23, 2011

Wild weather!

After a late night, & a very early start, arrived in Rhue - outside of Ullapool. Earlier there was occasional sunshine but the weather has really closed in now, & it may be that I won't get over to Stornoway tomorrow if the ferry can't sail! Looking very dubious @ this stage.

                                                   Hopefully I'll be on it tomorrow!                                            

However, I braved the elements for a walk out to the wee lighthouse, but it was touch & go a few times, so decided discrection was indeed the better part.

                                                  To the Lighthouse - 'scuse rain on lens!
                                                                      From the lighthouse
It is truly gorgeous country, & am glad I decided on the day here - despite the wind & the painful cutting rain. Dog, 3 cats very superior breeds, plus friends staying!

Now hopefully I'll hopefully post some photos!

Crossing over:

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