Friday, July 22, 2011

Alaska here I come! Yay!!

OK! Sitting in the airport in Seattle! Thank heavens all the US customs, security etc. was done in Vancouver, & had a great assistance bloke, from Denmark, who nearly fell over himself with delight when I thanked him in Danish! It all helps smooth the way!!! Little did he know that is virtually the sum total of my Danish *grin*!!!!

Will see if I can upload a photo or 2.

Interupted by gate change!!!!

Mother  chasing youngster away - getting too old to be with her! My "kids" will doubtless relate  to this!!!!!

He's still running!

This one is a bit older & obviously been on his own for a while, & doing well.

Amazingly I've fluked better videos of bears, but U'll have to wait until I get home for those!!!

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