Saturday, July 16, 2011

In Jasper

This is a painfully slow internet connection, so not sure whether I'll get any photos posted.

My sister,Jane, joined me on Thursday night in Banff, & on Friday morning we went up to see Banff in the gondola with spectacular views from the top, so she saw something of the area at least before we boarded the bus for Jasper.

I was glad that I had done 3/4 of the trip before, as there were not many photo opportunities except for a couple of bears (but with a bus load & only a few minutes hard to get a decent picture), 

the huge beaver dam that I'd been unable to spot on the earlier trip,

& a pretty waterfall

was about it, as the driver had to park away from the main "sights". when dropping off or picking up.

The Rockies continue to impress, they really are spectacular - but am having real trouble in uploading photos.

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