Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back to the Wow Factor!

Tuesday 12/7/11

Did a really good bus & boat trip to & on Lake Minnewanka. Love these Canadian Rocky Mountains!

First stop was @ Two Jacks Lake, 1stly for some mountain sheep:

then the lake itself:

Onwards then to Lake Minnewanka & the boat - magnificent.

To be honest, I couldn't see the resident bald eagle, so 'Justin' from Edmonton took this.

The Lake is 27km long & we went the length of it. Apparently this is also the end of the Canadian Rockies.

After the exileration of the fast boat trip, we had a more sedate but steep climb up Tunnel Mountain & got a different view of Banff:

On the way back down, we met this young mule deer who seemed to wonder what the large animal was that was approaching him!

It was getting pretty late by this time, & in fact the sun was setting as we came back into the town.

To quote: & so as the sun sets we bid farewell to [this tour]!!!!
(Am having trouble with blogger tonight therefore will not get to upload today's - Wednesday's - adventures! & I have to shift to an hotel here tomorrow as my sister will join me  in the evening for a week!)

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