Thursday, July 7, 2011

En route to Toronto

Have wi-fi on this leg! So, have finally managed to choose a few photos to be representative(???) or a different view from the norm of where I've been, but will not try & do anything fancy with them as I want to watch Canada go by!!!

                                  Holy Trinity, Quebec City

                 Slightly different angle on Château Frontenac

                           & a different angle on 3 of the many churches from the Vieux City Wall

It was very thirsty weather b4 the storm!

                                     Combination of images!

Chute Montmorency

  Storm coming in!

This being a commuter train, it is too fast for taking photos! Like in practically every other train or bus, I seem to end up on the sunny side, which just doesn't seem fair right now!!!!! Just missed a super photo!

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