Monday, July 11, 2011

Wiser after the events!

Well if I'd known then what I know now (when planning & booking) I'd be a good deal less stessed & exhausted!! It's mainly 'cos I hate cities, & this one - Toronto - could well have been by-passed!

However, I did manage to get to the Music Garden this afternoon - a tiny, peaceful oasis in this hell hole!!! But there was no concert this afternoon - boo-hoo!!

To back-track a little, I had an un-necessary & very long hard walk in the heat & humidity to change from the wretched hotel @ Niagra Falls to the hostel, which was heaps better because altho' I did not have an en suite I did have an OPEN window!! So just relaxed in the cooler space on Saturday afternoon. It was much easier to get to than the hotel in a pleasant, quiet area. Wish I'd been staying there instead of the hotel & this place in the city all these few days. Never mind!

This morning went for a pleasurable walk b4 breakfast (which altho' was minimal was at least there, & with home-baked muffins!). Met a really nice woman en route & we had quite a long chat, but as the brekie was only on @ 8 am @ a six seater kitchen table for everyone staying, I wanted to make sure I got in b4 the rush!!!!

Am now in a panic about finding my way to the airport in the morning! I would be able to manage it without my luggage, but which tho' only a small pull-along, the backpack is painfully heavy. I'll be so happy to get to Banff!

In the meantime.......... some flowers for you all from the Bach Garden.

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