Saturday, June 18, 2011

2nd instalment of catch-up!

OK, so the next morning, the helicopter picked us up & we flew to Vagar past the bird cliffs etc.
Had just under an hour in the airport & then flew on to Skúvoy (pop. 25)

                                                 Think U could call this a "jolly" boat!

I was told after lunch - in no uncertain terms - that I was not to walk south the way the others were going - & that I should go north & "follow the red poles"!

It started out innocuously enough:
a steady climb

but as I got to the gate, these birds started harrasing me

On going through the gate as directed, I found the 1st two markers, which turned out to be not poles, but little markers that stood about six inches high!! Fell over the 3rd, but then could not see any more! Tried searching for them, but must have strayed way away from them, & presumably on to the breeding grounds. I needed to get away from them, but which way?????

THEN, these Great Skuas

started! They didn't just come at me head on, one by one - well they did at first, but as I turned & tried to run downhill & duck @ the same time, they started in 2's & 3's, & from all directions & were swooping so close & fast that their wings were touching my hair as I ducked!! It was absolutely terrifying. Bought out all my old panic of being attacked from behind etc. etc.

Eventually, a lifetime later, I did find & make it to the gate, but, it made me sad & angry that because I can't see properly, I could not get to the bird cliffs.

I did manage to see this curlew on the horizon though.

The next morning the fog was really low - couldn't see the hill directly outside my window, so it was a good thing we were going out by boat!

I went down early to get some photos

impossible to see the opposite shore

but, no trouble getting photos of sea spray this time!!!

sometimes a bit tricky to get away from it!!!

Martina was worried about sea sickness, whilst I was worrying about how I'd get onboard the wee boat!

So 4 out of 5 managed to leap for it, I'm busy saying I can't see where to jump TO!!!! Eventually, a combination of me trusting & 2 sailors manhandling me, I did make it!!!
& we were on our way!

Had to sail much further north than I had seen it do the previous day, but I won't bore U with all those photos!

We arrived safely on Sandoy with 4 hours to wait for the bus, so, of course, I went to the church

and found the first one I could actually get inside to see!

Went down to the beach

& saw this great sight when I went back into the town!

Eventually after 2 bus rides & a ferry trip we arrived back in Torshaven!

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