Saturday, June 25, 2011


This is just a very quick entry to say I have arrived in Reykjavik (that's the capital of Iceland, E-B!!). It was not unexpected that whilst I sailed through passport control etc. there was NO assistance! No transport waiting ('they' thought the flight had been cancelled!!!), but thankfully given that it was nearly 10pm the hotel was expecting me!

Can get internet access in room for 4000 ISK for 5 days so that's a relief, no traipsing to lobby for dubious connection!

Hopefully I got some good photos from the plane out of Greenland.

The owner of Blue Ice the tourist company with whom I did my trips in Greenland was also on the plane, so he came back (yes, I had asked to sit away from wings etc.) to chat. It turned out he was going back to Provence for a few days as his mother had died. We had an interesting conversation.

Because of this damn cold I am almost completely deaf, & boy did my ears hurt coming in to land. Just as well I didn't do the helicopter jaunt!

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