Monday, June 13, 2011


May not be able to post for a few days, so wanted to try to give you an update, before going to other islands here in the Faroes today - where on my itinerary from the travel agent here states: "conditions are more  primitive" we'll see.....

In the meantime, went on the "guided walk" to Nolsoy yesterday - which I enjoyed. 2 other couples - a pair of Kiwis who live in Brisbane, & a German couple. It turned out that the guide's wife & 11 year old daughter also came as it was a public holiday so his wife had bought tea & home-made cake to share! A nice touch! [Everything, but everything was closed! Museum, tourist info, 'souvenir shops' etc. & the holiday also explained the partying of the night before
                            Arriving on the ferry in Nolsoy - as you can see it is a small village

We strolled around the village to start with, I do love the turf roofs:

but not so much the drying fish!!!

Then we started on the walk proper!!!

Passing some ruins - to which there is a saga attached:

Looking back:

Well spotted Anna (I'll become a "twitcher" is that the right word, yet!!!)

Had a pretty good spot for a picnic!

But I just couldn't catch the waves or the fulmars in flight!! Too busy trying not to fall over the precipice!!

The couples decided to do the "big" walk to the south end of the island & get a later ferry back (will see them again today), but you can see why I decided against it, they are (if you zoom in) apparently, halfway up the steep but quote "easy" walk!!

 I opted for gentler pursuits:

To look back at where I had managed to get to, altho' U can't quite see it:

 & to wish others "Calm Seas & Prosperous Voyage"

Soon the ferry arrived (hope the eider ducks got out of the way) & it was back to Torshaven for me.

My bag had NOT arrived, but thankfully, after a huge meal (for which I had apparently already paid!) it did! Whew!! What a relief!! I could then do some washing & go off to the
Mykines, Skúvoy & Sandoy & leave a repacked bag here @ the hotel for a few days & just take the backpack!

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