Thursday, June 23, 2011

No words - well hardly any!!!!

I need to find a thesaurus that will give me dozens of new superlatives!!

The icebergs & glacier were awesome - the other people on the boat were not! And even when I asked if we could have at least 2 minutes silence & the skipper agreed, they simply would not keep quiet!

You could hear the ice sizzling in the water, and some of it really was blue! And yes, we did hear the glacier calving, & icebergs cracking & shedding parts. But I wanted to REALLY hear the silence, & to capture it & the amazing sounds of this natural phenomenon.

The shapes were incredible, & even little bits floating by - and that we hit - were so beautiful!

Now given that I took  649 photos in 3 hours, trying to choose 1 or 2 is ridiculously impossible, & whether I’ll be able to upload even 1 may prove impossible anyway! But will give it a try!

The glacier BTW is 8 miles away!!!

Do zoom in on this one!

The following is the "underwater" shot - with only the very top bit above the water!! No, I did NOT fall in, the water was just so clear!


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