Friday, June 24, 2011

Rest Day!

Well that is until I discovered that I had written an entry for today, then found when I went to put it on the flash drive to take to the lobby & try to upload ………. That I had managed to delete it completely!!!!

I am obviously not intended to tell you of the troubles I had transiting Reykjavik as that was part of it & it’s been “lost” so many times now, that it ain’t going up!!!! Let’s just trust they let me IN to Iceland with no fuss, rather than just passing through!!

Tomorrow afternoon I leave the mild weather here in South Greenland & perhaps in Iceland I will need all that warm gear!!!!

I expect the internet to be even more expensive where I am staying, so this is just to touch base, in case it is!!!!

Because I’ll hopefully be flying over the wonderous sight of the Greenlandic coast again, I’ll see if I can post a couple of photos from when I was arriving here, & in case I don’t have a window seat!

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