The Fǽroes are going to be amazing! OMG - just the descent in to the airport, & the drive in to Tórshavn! It actually took about ¾ of an hour - but I had not realised this was to be so, & my camera was not easily get-at-able so would you believe no photos, but I think I'll have another chance at that!
But, let me go back to the begining of my day!
I arrived at Edinburgh airport only to find my flight was not listed! Yikes!!! Eventually found someone to help, & discovered that it had all been changed some time ago, but I hadn't been notified!! This was always going to be the most problematic part of my itinerary as it was to be a very tight change of flights @ Copenhagen. Now, it was worse as it was not SAS, but a BMI flight & they would not book my bag right through, & altho' I pleaded with 3 different people they said I would have to collect it @ Copenhagen, PLUS it was now a matter of changing terminals as well!
This was a real worry, but the BMI flight attendant was very understanding, & organised for me to be 1st off.
It was wonderful looking out of a CLEAR sky over the Danish coastline - camera up in overhead locker *sigh*!
They arranged for me to be 1st off the plane, but then - of course - the assistance wasn’t there, so ended up being last as usual. When she came, she thought there was a much easier way of doing this, which included someone else collecting my checked bag & re-tagging it, & getting it across to the other plane. Thus, I was also able to avoid security there (oh did I mention security @ Edinburgh managed to temporarily loose my expensive TSA lock from my backpack in which I carry my netbook, & took forever finding it) & then we waited & waited in a very small area to board the bus out to the plane - about 100 or so people, & it got hotter & hotter & the oxygen was getting VERY depleted. Quite uncomfortable!
I was amused though as this gorgeous looking assistance woman responded to my “shouldn’t you be elsewhere helping someone else” with “No, I’m all yours for as long as you need me!!!!!!” Imagine that!!! but, I won’t repeat my thoughts on that suggestion!!
Plane was late taking off, so worrying about the transfer proved totally unnecessary! However, on arrival at Vagar, yes, you’ve guessed it NO BAG!! It’s probably still going round on the carousel @ Copenhagen waiting for me to claim it!
Of course, as I had just left Scotland in rain & cold, the clothes in my backpack are entirely unsuitable for this warmth & we arrived too late for any shops, & it’s Sunday tomorrow!! Worse still I had changed the way I packed, & my nightshirt & extra undies are in the outside pocket of the missing bag - how stupid can I be after having been so careful up until now!!
Anyway, as I said right at the beginning, this country is going to impress enormously I think. It seems to have all the beauty of the Hebrides but on a much higher, steeper & bigger scale, AND the sun is shining!! Well, actually it’s not shining now but it is still very light & it's after 11pm! There is a dance/party going on over the road, but I'm very tired (& although there is no way to plug my heatpad in, & I need it!) I think I'll sleep! [As I am re-editing this this morning I have to say, the 'music' was still loud & clear @ 03.45!]
My itineary has been changed so I'm not entirely sure what I am doing, but the 1st change is tomorrow when I am to be picked up from another hotel for a "guided" walk on Nolsoy. Not sure what that will entail, I hope it's not with a group of eiher enthusiastic walkers or families! I like to set my own pace, & wander where I want to go. So we'll see!
Did a bit of a wander around last night, so will add a few photos:
My hotel is the last building on the left, but my room is at the back!!
Can't really tell what sort of bird this is perched high on the steeple:
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